DemosWe thank the authors of the 14 papers submitted to the DocEng'08 Demos Track. A number of very good demonstrations could not be accommodated within the overall constraints of the program given the high standard of the submissions: the decisions were especially difficult. The 6 demonstrations accepted are listed bellow. - A Demonstration of a Configurable Editing Framework - John Lumley, Roger Gimson, Owen Rees
- Image Collection Taxonomies for Photo-Book Auto-Population with Intuitive Interaction - Pere Obrador
- Playback of Mixed Multimedia Document - Cyril Concolato, Jean Le Feuvre
- Scalable Multimedia Documents for Digital Radio - Benoit Pellan
- A prototype documenter system for medical grand rounds - Renato Bulcão Neto,
Jose Camacho-Guerrero, Alessandra Macedo - An Office Document Mashup for Document-Centric Business Processes - John Boyer,
Eric Dunn, Maureen Kraft, Jun Liu, Mihir Shah, He Feng Su