MTAP Journal Special Issue September 18 2008 Announcement: Seven papers invited to publish extended versions at the MTAP Special Issue:- Adaptation of Scalable Multimedia Documents - Benoit Pellan, Cyril Concolato
- Authoring Adaptive Diagrams- Cameron McCormack, Kim Marriott, Bernd Meyer
- An Exploratory Mapping Strategy for Web-Driven Magazines - Fabio Giannetti
- Enabling Adaptive Time-based Web Applications with SMIL State - Jack Jansen, Dick Bulterman. Best Paper Award
- Improving Query Performance on XML Documents: A Workload-Driven Design Approach - Rebeca Schroeder, Ronaldo Mello
- Merging Changes in XML Documents Using Reliable Context Fingerprints - Sebastian Rönnau, Christian Pauli, Uwe Borghoff
- Two algorithms for automatic document page layout - Joao Oliveira
May 9 2008 Announcement: