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Welcome > Visa Information

Visa Information

Please, check if you need a Visa to visit Brazil. Your may use this official Country List for information or obtain further information in

You find a list of Brazilian Missions Abroad (Embassies, Consulates and Vice-Consulates, Delegartions, Missions and Offices) at the site of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations.

Messagem from the ACM Headquartes:

The Association for Computing Machinery does not issue formal invitation letters for visas to attend ACM sponsored conferences. We can however issue a Visa support letter. For Visa support letters, please send all requests to the NEW person in charge for this at ACM, Laura Bucci (, with the following information.
  1. Name and mailing address as it appears on your passport
  2. The name of the conference you wish to attend
  3. Your Registration Confirmation Number
  4. If you are the author of any papers accepted for the conference, please provide the title
  5. A valid fax number and current mailing address

*Visa support letters are NOT issued via email