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Submission Types

DocEng 2008 will include both long and short papers, posters, demonstrations of working or prototype systems, and special working sessions. All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process with a miminum of 3 reviews assigned to members of the Program Commiitee considering the Originality of work, the Quality of research or analysis of experience, the Relevance to document engineering, and Quality of presentation of ideas.

Full Papers: Full papers should describe complete works of original research. Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered in another forum. Authors may submit full papers (up to 10 pages length). Full paper presentations will be 30 minutes in length.

Short papers: Short papers provide an opportunity to report on research in progress, to present novel positions on document engineering, or to demonstrate exciting new systems. Authors may submit short papers (up to 4 pages in length). Short paper presentations will be 15 minutes in length.

Demonstrations: DocEng 2008 seeks public demonstrations of novel systems, to be presented to the conference as a whole during breaks between paper sessions. Prospective demonstrators should submit a two-page summary of the system to be demonstrated. Demonstration proposals will undergo a rigorous review process and summaries of accepted demonstrations will be published in the conference proceedings. At the conference, demonstrators will give 10-minute presentations to the assembled conferees during breaks and a demonstration session is also planned.

Working Sessions/Workshops: Potential organizers are invited to submit working session/workshop proposals. The session should bring together a variety of expert voices on a topic of considerable interest. The topic may be interesting because it is controversial, because it is of great importance to society or to the field, or because it leads us to think about future directions for document engineering. The proposal may be up to two pages in length. The proposal should describe the topic of the session and why it will be interesting to the symposium's participants. It should also list the proposed facilitators, briefly describing their expertise, and should note whether any facilitator's participation is tentative. (Note: facilitators are expected to register for the symposium.)