Alberto Laender Keeping a Digital Library Clean: New Solutions to Old Problems Alberto Laender, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Abstract: Digital Libraries are complex information systems that involve rich sets of digital objects and their respective metadata, along with multiple organizational structures and services such as searching, browsing and personalization, and are normally built having a target community of users with specific interests. However, keeping a digital library updated and consistent, particularly when its content is obtained from multiple and distinct sources, is not a trivial task. In this talk, we address two problems usually faced when managing digital libraries of scientific publications: the disambiguation of author names and the search for the full-text of cataloged articles. We discuss the implication of these two problems to the quality of the services provided by a digital library and describe the solutions we have proposed to solve them. Bio: Alberto Laender holds a BS degree in Electrical Engineering and an MSc in Computer Science, both from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and a PhD degree in Computing from the University of East Anglia, UK. He joined the Computer Science Department of the Federal University of Minas Gerais in 1975, where he is currently a Full Professor and the head of the Database Research Group. In 1997, he was a Visiting Scientist at HP Labs in Palo Alto, California. He has served on the advisory committee of several Brazilian research funding agencies and is currently a member of ACM SIGMOD's Advisory Board and PhD Dissertation Award Committee. Prof. Laender has also served as a program committee co-chair, as well as a program committee member, for several national and international conferences on databases and Web-related topics. He is the author of more than 100 refereed journal and conference papers, and was one of the co-founders of Akwan Information Technologies, a Brazilian search technology company acquired by Google Inc. in 2005. Prof. Laender’s research interests include conceptual modeling and database design, web data management, web information systems, and digital libraries.